I ended up my day last night filled with inspiration. Who can say? after all the pains and after all the things I had passed through, I would still be happy? Time is indeed unpredictable. And the hands who worked for me, would I always be very thankful for once again comforting my feelings those times I was so much down.
Just the normal day yesterday I was working at my counter. Nothing else in my mind but her. I was busy manipulating the keyboards with the computer when I looked up, I saw the person in my mind right in front of me. I wasn't dreaming nor see someone like her in my hallucination. Nope. She was her.
So happy to see her, that at last, I wouldn't keep thinking about her. She's right in front of my very eye. ahahah! I never expect she would come to my office and will give a visit. Not totally new, but I was really surprise.
I normally worked. Filled with inspiration as I go on. Taking some glance before her as she was sitting on the table studying for her midterm exams. (giggle)I don't know if she enjoy the time with me, but I can feel she was happy spending her time in my branch. Normal working day ended at 7:00 o'clock in the evening. After work, we went to the church and pray together.
There, we talk shortly before we prayed. Her eyes were true as we were talking together. What she said, hurts a little because I know she was talking with me at heart. But her words challenged me to work for us even more. Right at this moment still, she is confused with her feelings and fighting over it. Wish I could do this with prayers. I will persevere and endeavor much harder to win back her heart again. I know, I'm making it.
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